This is My New Art Blog
i'd link to my old art journal...but the site server is experiencing some problems. hopefully it gets fixed...because that place catalogues my eventual complete transcendence into a life of art. ...from when i was just goofing around with it...all the way up to now. everybody should keep some sort of journal, whether prvate or allows you to see how much you've grown, where you can improve, and most learn from your mistakes. as soon as i can get back into my old blog, i will post the link. sadly, the main reason i stopped posting because it didn't have an iphone app...but then again...WHO USES XANGA ANYMORE ANYWAY? [its like what our grandparents used before myspace became unhip]
so yeah....ENJOY!
also! don't forget to catch Dead Breaks Society @ the Arts & Culture Fest!
annnd...i will be performing this thursday @ Queen Bee's in North Park!
annnnnnd....i will be putting some mp3s up for free download later this week as a treat for people that actually bother to come here.
sooo yeah....this is my new chronicle of my life in art...or my art in life....same thing..
..and so this doesn't seem like a wordy entry...2 photos i took today on the way to getting a TB test: