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Art & Adventure with PJ Ortiz Luis

The online portfolio of Pacifico "PJ" Ortiz Luis, a storyteller utilizing different mediums of art including film photography, dance, and performance poetry.

Filtering by Tag: disneyland

Young Hearts

I tend to get a good amount of compliments on the photos I've taken with these old fashioned film cameras of mine.  The majority of them are usually compliments on the colors, composition, or the object in focus.  I really enjoy it however, when people comment on my photos about things you can't see with your eyes.  It makes me feel like people "get it".  As if, one of my photos were able to break the barrier of just being a single moment in time, to a story.  

One of the most recent comments I've recieved, is on this photo pictured of a couple in their golden years on a Disneyland date:


"makes me believe in love"

It feels good to inspire people and evoke emotion through my art.