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Art & Adventure with PJ Ortiz Luis

The online portfolio of Pacifico "PJ" Ortiz Luis, a storyteller utilizing different mediums of art including film photography, dance, and performance poetry.

Essence of Memory [video]

MY OLD ART JOURNAL:  www.xanga.com/pacificyo

xanga is back up....now i can finally go back to my old official blog to see what i've done to get myself to this point in my life.  whats interesting, is the final entry was about a year before i started this site.  so there are alot of "lost" entries, that need to be written so i don't lose any recollection of what happened in between then.  every memory is important to me, good and bad, it makes me who i am....here is a video from May 2010 when i was in a dance ensemble for SDSU's senior dance concert.  skip to ~3:45 if you only feel like watching me in my psuedo-contemporary bboy glory:

Julio Velazquez - Essence of Memory from Pacifico Ortiz Luis on Vimeo.

Title: "The Essence of A Memory", By Julio Velazquez
Choreography: Julio Velazquez
Dancers: Desiree Cuizon, Mirna Garcia, Jennifer Johnson,
Pacifico PJ Ortiz Luis Jr, Marissa Nunes, Julio Velazquez

Music: Explosins in the Sky - "The Birth and Death of the Day"