Late Night Octopus Rescue
Over the past weekend I had a photoshoot for the Cloud Project at 3am. Why 3am? Because the lowest tide of the month was at 4am. I entered the beach and perhaps 30 feet from the beach entrance I saw a little blob on the ground. After further inspection, it was a 2-ring octopus.
There are many instances of octopuses walking on land from pool to pool in order to find food. I believe this octopus may have given up, because it was on the sand and pale white. The tide was so low, there were no other nearby tidepools to walk to. So we scooped him up and placed him in a pool with a nice rock with plenty of hiding spaces.
After the photoshoot, we walked back to the rock to see if he was still there and he was! He let us handle him a little. And he latched onto my shoe to take one last look before retiring into the solace of the rock we placed him at. I am sure he will be alright. A few hours after we left, the tide would have been high enough for him to return back to the ocean.