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Art & Adventure with PJ Ortiz Luis

The online portfolio of Pacifico "PJ" Ortiz Luis, a storyteller utilizing different mediums of art including film photography, dance, and performance poetry.

Woodroom Talent Show 2.0 Footage and Feedback

this is recent footage of my show at The Woodroom.  it will be public until sunday, and after that, it’ll be restricted to only friends after that…so friend me on youtube!

also, i received this commentary on my performance that really touched me:

"Talent + charisma + artistry = “PJ”

Great job last night! I hope someone got that on video.

It reminded me of when my husband and I were young and “newly-in-love”. We, as in your poem, had high hopes to change the world. We were modern “revolutionaries” - Rebels WITH a cause: “Fly high… Live hard… LOVE destructively…”

Your word hit me in the face like a glass of cold water. It brought tears to my eyes in admission that we’ve both turned into birds in a cage. We’ve both let life cut our flying wings and we’ve become depended of the corporate/capitalist world we hated so much in our youth.

We both acknowledged that the greatest joy and the glue that has kept us together have been GOD, the common love of our son and the passion that someday we’ll be able to go back to our youthful dreams in our old age…

Thank you for your gift."