Arabian Nights Dubstep Tutting [video]
just some “hey i’m bored, so lets film me practicing” footage. more practice footage to come…
Art & Adventure with PJ Ortiz Luis
The online portfolio of Pacifico "PJ" Ortiz Luis, a storyteller utilizing different mediums of art including film photography, dance, and performance poetry.
just some “hey i’m bored, so lets film me practicing” footage. more practice footage to come…
finally! i have a locking reel! just in time, because i am the new Locking teacher @ The Origin. the classes are thursdays @ 6pm. come support!
i’m sorry for taking so long to make this video…but here is my fisheye lens:
just do a search for “mobile fisheye lens” if you’d want something similar. i hear you can also use a door viewer [the little peekhole to see whos on the other side] as a fisheye too. if you want that fish eye effect, its best to use an actual lens. i’ve seen some really bad digital fisheye effects…having an actual lens also adds to the charm of hipstamatic.
we should note, that my fisheye is not a true fisheye. its more of a wide-angle lense with a soft-surround vignette. it still does the job….especially when you want to sneak a shot of the person sitting 2 feet away from you on the trolley…
here are some photos i’ve taken with the fisheye and hipstamatic:
sorry, i meant to post this earlier…but here is our debut performance. i “choreographed” the 3rd song if anybody was curious. it’s not a marvel of a piece, but it should be noted this is the first locking piece i EVER choreographed.
stay tuned for pics of my latest fashion project!