stay tuned next week! because i will be posting a video about using hipstamatic with a fisheye lens!
well anyway, i happened to be one of the lucky ones that was able to pick up the new hipstamatic goodpak while it was still available for download. [don't worry, it comes out this friday]. i took it out for a test spin today, taking shots of my daily life. it appears the melodie lens intensifies brightness. dark colors are darker, bright colors are more vibrant. green seems to pop out much more. i would recommend it for when you are taking photos outdoors in the sunlight. [taking shots in the shade results in silohuette images] indoor shots tend to come out dull and grainy. when the new hipstamatic pack comes out, comment on this entry with a link to your shots! i'm interested to see what other people will do with it.

here are a few more photos i've taken this week...i noticed some people have been wondering about the fisheye attachment. i will make a video sometime soon...maybe over the thanksgiving break. if you want to do fisheye hipstamotography...it'd be better to get a physical fisheye than have it "faked" via photo technology....the fake versions reeeeeally suck.

ALSO...if you are in san diego, go ahead and head over to the contact page and shoot me a message! i'm trying to set up a hipstamatic enthusiast group to go on outings, hikes, events, etc.
i've modified my iphone case to accept a fisheye lens...and i recently paired that with the hipstamatic app...the results are wild. [click for more photos]
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i think i might start updating this blog with images from my real life taken with the hipstamatic iphone app. i recently modified my iphone case to allow for interchangable lenses. i only have one...a fisheye...but am thinking about investing in a wide-angle and macro lens.
basically the dali pack for the hipstamatic app is an app the simulates "surrealism", or for technical terms for those who know their film camera techniques....its a double exposure, where the second exposure is slightly eschewed, and it fills in the unexposed spots on the film creating a "double image" effect. so i've been testing this new hipstapak out WITH the fisheye lens....here are the photos WITHOUT the lens:

and with the fisheye lens: [reminds me of a rorshach test]